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Actress Salma Hayek returns to her Mexican roots by getting her back wet while bouncing big tits in a pool in the enhanced high definition video below.
Seeing Salma sling around her soaking wet massive Mexican mammaries in this video makes it hard to believe that she is an absolutely ancient 57-years-old… Especially considering that Latina women generally age like goats milk in the hot desert sun.

Yes, it is pretty amazing that as a senior citizen Salma is still a reasonable approximation of who she was when she was a young whore working Harvey Weinstein and Quentin Tarantino’s casting couches in heathen Hollywood.

In fact, one of the biggest differences between Salma now and then is that her bulbous breasts have become more buxom (as we can see when comparing them today to the see through photo above), and yet remarkably have not sagged down to her shins.